Indo-European Poetry and Myth

(Wang) #1

tra is a huge serpent, áhi-. The same verb that appears in vr

trahán- is
used in the formula áhann áhim, ‘(Indra) smashed the serpent’ (RV 1. 32. 1, 2,

  1. 2, etc.). This has an almost exact counterpart in Avestan janat

azˇı ̄m (Y. 9.
8, Yt. 14. 40, of Θrae ̄taona’s defeat of a three-headed dragon), and Calvert
Watkins has shown how cognates and variants of the phrase can be traced
extensively in Hittite, Indo-Iranian, and Greek.^63
A translation of part of RV 1. 32 will serve to convey the essential features
of the Vr

tra myth.^64
1 Of Indra’s heroic deeds will I now tell,
the ones that the vajra-bearer did first.
He smashed the Serpent, pierced a path for the waters;
he split the innards of the mountains.
2 He smashed the Serpent that lay on the mountain;



fashioned for him the roaring vajra.
Streaming like lowing cows,
the waters ran straight down to the sea....
4 When, Indra, you smashed the firstborn of serpents
and shrivelled the magicians’ magics,
then, bringing sun, sky, and dawn to birth ––
since then you have truly found no antagonist.
5 He smashed Vr
tra the vr
tra-most, the wide-shouldered,
Indra with his vajra, his great weapon.
Like branches lopped off by an axe,
the Serpent lies flat on the earth....
7 Without feet, without hands, he fought against Indra,
(but) he smashed his vajra into his shoulderblades.
A castrated ox matching himself with a bull,

tra lay shot to pieces all over the place.
8 As he lies thus like a broken reed,
Manu’s rising waters go over him:
the very ones that Vr
tra had surrounded in his greatness,
at their feet the Serpent was prostrate...
10 In the unstaying, unresting
watercourses’ midst his body is laid away.
Over Vr
tra’s concealment the waters ride;
into long darkness he sank, Indra’s antagonist.
11 Demon’s wives, Serpent’s herd they had stood
shut in, the waters, as the cows by Pan


(^63) Watkins (1995), 297–407. This is the basis of his splendid title, How to Kill a Dragon.
(^64) Cf. also Macdonell (1898), 58–60, 158 f.; Oldenberg (1917), 133–41; Joseph Fontenrose,
Python (Berkeley–Los Angeles 1959), 194–201.
256 6. Storm and Stream

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