Indo-European Poetry and Myth

(Wang) #1

Chaos 356
chariots 23–4, 40, 115 n. 125, 468–70, 483,
of gods 152, 153–4
of song 41–3
of Sun 205–6
of Winds 264–5
slain warrior dragged behind 492, 502
charms, see spells
Charon 389
Choes festival 417
Christian notions of paganism 197, 278,
Chthon, Chthonie 174, 182
Cimmerians 9
Circe 230, 286
Clashing Rocks 158, 159 n. 132
‘clothe’ metaphor 92
club 460–1
codifications 70–2, 359–62
‘come to us’ 318–20
‘come with –– ’ 320–1
comparative + ablative of same word 112
compound words 79–81, 460
contrasted terms with same hind element
first element in anaphora 109–10
irregular negative substantive 105
personal names 399–401
see also dvanda
Conganchnes 446
consolation technique 66
constellations 351–3
contests of poets 72–4, 362, 364
Corded Ware culture 11
cosmogony 354–9
cosmology 340–53, 372–4
cosmological riddles 370–2
cows, expressions relating to 184
imagery 184, 223–4, 259, 371–2
Indra’s 261
primeval ox or cow 358
recapture myth 259–62
riddles 371–2
creation by god 354–5
cremation 496–8
Critias 353, 354
Cú Chulainn 334, 403, 426, 429, 441, 455–8,
461, 464, 473, 474, 481, 482, 499
Cupido 136
curses 332–3
Cycladic civilization 191, 204–5
Cyclopes 297–8, 300
Cypria 23

Dacian 6
Daedalus 156
Daganzipas 174, 175
Dagda 150, 253, 254
Damatura 176, 182
Dames vertes 290
Damia 174–5
Danaoi 21 n. 52
Da ̄navas (Iranian) 21 n. 52, (Indian) 163–4,
dancers, supernatural 284, 287–9, 291, 293,
dancing 214, 235
Danube, gender of 274
covers battle 480–1
infernal 388
Dasyus 164–5
Daughter of the Sun 189, 227–34
Dawn goddess 138, 144, 184, 189, 217–27,
as weaver 372–4
bares breast 221, 224
birth 218–19
cows, oxen 218, 222, 223–4, 371
dancer 221
daughter of Sky-god 186, 219
golden skin 220
horses, chariot 223, 470
house 221–2
immortal 219
light-giving 219
lovers 224–5
raiment, shoes 220–1, 372
rouses people 223
sister of Night 219 n. 84, 222–3; daughter
smiling 221
spring festival 225–7
Dazˇbog, Dazˇ(d)ı ̆bogu ̆ 132, 197
dead creature gives voice 367
death 180, 387–94
as sleep 387–8
dying ‘by one’s own death’ 387
going way of no return 388–9
Dé Danann, see Tuatha Dé Danann
Deimos 136
Deipaturos 167, 176, 182
Demeter 140, 176, 182
Dha ̄tr
136, 354
Dia, δι

α 192, 193
dialogue songs 68–9
Dían Cécht 148
Diarmaid and Gráinne 437, 446

Index 513
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