Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1
Pleasurable Sex

switching on of an electric bulb (can be immediately turned on).^7
(10) At the point where the husband judges that his wife is at the height of her
excitement, penetration can occur. One of the pleasurable parts of sexual
intercourse is the feeling of the man’s penis entering the vagina.
(11) Use artificial lubricants eg. KY jelly, vaseline and creams, to increase lubrication
to make penetration easier.
(12) Continue to stimulate each other during the act by holding tightly, caressing and
(13) Talk to each other and express your feelings during the act.^8
(14) Inform your partner when you feel you are reaching orgasm and whether it would
be alright to ejaculate or hold back for a while.
(15) You could repeat the whole process as many times as there is strength to do so.
Multiple orgasms and ejaculations are possible. You may have to rest for a while
and start again after arousing each other for sometime.
(16) Let your partner feel that he/she has done something wonderful to you.


  1. Dave and Joyce Ames, Second Honeymoon(Eastbourne: Kingsway Pub.,1991), 175;
    Clifford and Joyce Penner, 52 Ways To Have Fun, Fantastic Sex(Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas
    Nelson, 1994), 44 - 45.

  2. Dave and Joyce Ames, Second Honeymoon(Eastbourne: Kingsway Pub., 1991), 191 - 2.

  3. Clifford and Joyce Penner, The Gift of Sex(Nashville, Tennessee: Word Publishing
    Group, 2003), 27 - 31.

  4. Thomas and Maureen C. Anderson, Making Marriage a Love Story(Phoenix, Arizona:
    Winword Publishing, 2003), 160; Tim and Beverly LaHaye, The Act of Marriage (Grand Rapids,
    Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1988), 95 - 103.

  5. Floyd and Harriet Thatcher, Long Term Marriage(London: Hodder and Stoughton,
    1980), 100 - 102.

  6. Linda Dillow, Creative Counterpart(Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson, 1986), 171.

  7. Thomas and Maureen C. Anderson, Making Marriage a Love Story(Phoenix, Arizona:
    Winword Publishing, 2003), 161.

  8. Douglas Weiss, Sex, Men and God (Lake Mary, Florida: Siloam Press, 2002), 114 - 5.

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