Assorted Biblical Principles 1-12
(a) You must satisfy each other at all times. This means in the morning, afternoon, and
evening. It means after one year or ten years in marriage, at anytime, anywhere;
you must satisfy each other.
(b) Always means ALWAYS.
No. 8 Principle of Being Ravished with Your Spouse
Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all
times; and be thou ravished always with her love.
Proverbs 5:19
(a) You must make a conscious effort to admire the different parts of your spouse’s
body and beauty. Stand and gaze at each other; be overwhelmed with the beauty
of your partner.
No. 9 Principle of the Importance of Kissing
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine.
Song of Solomon 1:2
(a) Kissing is an important form of intimacy between a couple. It is a way in which
a couple can be intimate without going all the way to make love all the time. It is
an important form of contact and it is encouraged in marriage.
(b) Kissing whilst making love is exciting.
NB: The practice of kissing can easily and gradually fade out of marriage––a couple
must beware of this. Make it a point to greet each other at home with a long
mouth to mouth kiss. Outside the home, a short mouth to mouth peck will do.
No. 10 Principle of Having Confidence in Oneself
I am black, but comely, O ye daughters of Jerusalem, as the tents of Kedar, as
the curtains of Solomon. Look not upon me, because I am black, because the sun
hath looked upon me: my mother's children were angry with me; they made me
the keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept.
Song of Solomon 1:5,6
(a) Confidence is very important in any relationship. You have to have confidence in
yourself.^6 You are nice, you are comely; fearfully and wonderfully made. You
may be black or fair but you are beautiful and comely. You may have big or small
breasts, but you are beautiful, comely and UNIQUE.
(b) You must also have confidence in your ability to have sex as you learn to do it