Model Marriage by Bishop Dag Heward Mills

(Darren Dugan) #1

Chapter 41

The Temperaments and Sex

The Sanguine Husband and Sex

  1. He is so responsive it does not take much to turn him on.^1

  2. He is so open about everything he does that his wife is always aware of his mood.

  3. Has a great appetite for everything including lovemaking.

  4. Most have very few hang-ups about sex. They usually enjoy it.

  5. Sex, like food, is one of the most important things in life to them. They are
    usually reluctant to take “no” for an answer when they want food or sex.

  6. Can easily be hurt and feel deflated if his wife does not respond to his gestures of

  7. May be more easily unfaithful if not sexually satisfied because:
    a. The conquest of another woman is important to satisfy his ego and he finds
    lonely, unfulfilled women easy prey to his charm.
    b. He is weak-willed and emotionally excitable and is therefore open to the
    unscrupulous woman.

The Sanguine Wife and Sex

  1. She enjoys sex:

    • It is important to her.^2

    • She is unrestrained about sex.

    • She will do almost anything sexually, if taught.

    • She overcomes most sexual inhibitions and can become aggressive.

    • She is not cadaveric in sex.

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