
(Frankie) #1

This is exactly the formula for the product of two matrices.

(OP) 11 (OP) 12 ... (OP) 1 j ...
(OP) 21 (OP) 22 ... (OP) 2 j ...

(OP)i 1 (OP)i 2 ... (OP)ij ...

=     

O 11 O 12 ... O 1 j ...
O 21 O 22 ... O 2 j ...

Oi 1 Oi 2 ... Oij ...

P 11 P 12 ... P 1 j ...
P 21 P 22 ... P 2 j ...

Pi 1 Pi 2 ... Pij ...

So, wave functions are represented by vectors and operatorsby matrices,all in the space
of orthonormal functions.

  • See Example 18.10.1:The Harmonic Oscillator Hamiltonian Matrix.*

  • See Example 18.10.2:The harmonic oscillator raising operator.*

  • See Example 18.10.3:The harmonic oscillator lowering operator.*

Now compute the matrix for the Hermitian Conjugate (See Section8.2) of an operator.


The Hermitian Conjugate matrix is the (complex)conjugate transpose.

Check that this is true forAandA†.

We know that there is a difference between abra vectorand a ket vector. This becomes explicit
in the matrix representation. Ifψ=




φkukthen, the dot product is








We can write this indot product in matrix notationas

〈ψ|φ〉= (ψ 1 ∗ ψ∗ 2 ψ∗ 3 ...)

φ 1
φ 2
φ 3

The bra vector is the conjugate transpose of the ket vector. The both represent the same state but
are different mathematical objects.

18.2 The Angular Momentum Matrices*.

An important case of the use of the matrix form of operators is that of Angular Momentum (See
Section14.1) Assume we have an atomic state withℓ= 1 (fixed) butmfree. We may use the

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