Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

chapter 7

Dealing With Problems

and Conflicts

After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:
■Identify common sources of conflict in the workplace.
■Guide an individual or small group through the process of
problem resolution.
■Participate in informal negotiations.
■Discuss the purposes of collective bargaining.

Many Sources of Conflict
Power Plays and Competition Between Groups
Increased Workload
Multiple Role Demands
Threats to Safety and Security
Scarce Resources
Cultural Differences
Invasion of Personal Space
When Conflict Occurs
Resolving Problems and Conflicts
Win, Lose, or Draw?
Other Conflict Resolution Myths
Problem Resolution
Identify the Problem or Issue
Generate Possible Solutions
Evaluate Suggested Solutions
Choose the Best Solution
Implement the Solution Chosen
Is the Problem Resolved?
Negotiating an Agreement Informally
Scope the Situation
Set the Stage
Conduct the Negotiation
Agree on a Resolution of the Conflict
Formal Negotiation: Collective Bargaining
The Pros and Cons of Collective Bargaining

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