Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
chapter 7 | Dealing With Problems and Conflicts 97

and that her actions to resolve the conflict
would be supported by administration.
3.What problems am I likely to encounter?The nurse
manager knew that she had allowed the problem
to go on too long. Even physicians, social work-
ers, and visitors to the unit were getting caught
up in the conflict. Team members were actively
encouraging other staff to take sides, making clear
they thought that “if you’re not with us, you’re
against us.” This made people from other depart-
ments very uncomfortable because they had to
work with both teams. The nurse manager knew
that resolution of the conflict would be a relief to
many people. It is important to ask one additional
question in preparation for negotiations:
4.What does the other side want?In this situation,
the nurse manager was not certain what either
team really wanted. She realized that she
needed this information before she could begin
to negotiate.

Set the Stage

When a conflict such as the one between Teams A
and B has gone on for some time, the opposing
sides are often unwilling to meet to discuss the
problem. If this occurs, it may be necessary to con-
front them with direct statements designed to open
communications between the two sides to chal-
lenge them to seek resolution of the situation.
At the same time, it is important to avoid any
implication of blame because this provokes defen-
siveness rather than willingness to change.
To confront Teams A and B with their behavior
toward one another, the nurse manager called them
together at the end of the day shift. “I am very con-
cerned about what I have been observing lately,”
she told them. “It appears to me that instead of
working together, our two teams are working
against each other.” She continued with some
examples of what she had observed, taking care not
to mention names or blame anyone for the prob-
lem. She was also prepared to take responsibility for
having allowed the situation to deteriorate before
taking this much-needed action.

Conduct the Negotiation

As indicated earlier, conducting a negotiation
requires a great deal of skill.

1.Manage the emotions.When staff members
are very emotional, they have trouble thinking

clearly. Acknowledging these emotions is
essential to negotiating effectively (Fiumano,
2005). When faced with a highly charged
situation, do not respond with added emotion.
Take time out if you need to get your own
feelings under control. Then find out why
emotions are high (watch both verbal and
nonverbal cues carefully) (Hart & Waisman,
2005), and refocus the discussion on the issues
(Shapiro & Jankowski, 1998). Without effective
leadership to prevent emotional outbursts and
personal attacks, a mishandled negotiation can
worsen a situation. With effective leadership,
the conflict may be resolved (Box 7-3).
2.Set ground rules.Members of Teams A and B
began flinging accusations at each other as soon
as the nurse manager made her statement. The
nurse manager stopped this quickly and said,
“First, we need to set some ground rules for this
discussion. Everyone will get a chance to speak
but not all at once. Please speak for yourself, not
for others. And please do not make personal
remarks or criticize your coworkers. We are here
to resolve this problem, not to make it worse.”
She had to remind the group of these ground
rules several times during the meeting. Teaching
others how to negotiate can create a more col-
laborative environment in which the negotiation
will take place (Schwartz & Pogge, 2000).
3.Clarification of the problem.The nurse man-
ager wrote a list of problems raised by team
members on a chalkboard. As the list grew
longer, she asked the group, “What do you

box 7-3
Tips for Leading the Discussion

  • Create a climate of comfort.

  • Let others know the purpose is to resolve a problem or

  • Freely admit your own contribution to the problem.

  • Begin with the presentation of facts.

  • Recognize your own emotional response to the situation.

  • Set ground rules.

  • Do not make personal remarks.

  • Avoid placing blame.

  • Allow each person an opportunity to speak.

  • Do speak for yourself but not for others.

  • Focus on solutions.

  • Keep an open mind.
    Adapted from Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., & Surtzler, A. (18 March
    2003). Crucial conversations: Making a difference between being healed
    and being seriously hurt.Vital Signs, 13(5), 14–15.

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