Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
chapter 10 | Quality and Safety 153


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9.Review the nonprofit organizations and government agencies that influence and advocate for
quality and safety in the health-care system. What do the organizations or agencies do that
supports the hallmarks of quality? What have been the results of their efforts for patients, facilities,
the health-care delivery system, and the nursing profession? How have the organizations or
agencies affected your facility and professional practice?
1 0.Explain how technology enhances and promotes safe patient care, educates patients and
consumers, evaluates health-care delivery, and enhances the nurse’s knowledge base in your
practice and at your organization.
11.How would you begin discussion on quality and safety issues with the nurse manager or
12.What issues may arise when the care delivery system is changed? What does the RN need to
consider when implementing these changes?

Case Study to Promote Critical Reasoning

The director of CQI has called a meeting of all the staff members on your floor. Based on last
quarter’s statistics, the length of stay of patients with uncontrolled diabetes is 2.6 days longer than
that of patients for the first half of the year. She has requested that the staff identify members who
wish to be CQI team members looking at this problem. You, the staff nurse, have volunteered to be
a member of the team. The team will consist of the diabetes educator, a patient-focused care
assistant, a pharmacist, and you.
1.Why were these people selected for the team?
2.What data need to be collected to evaluate this situation?
3.What are the potential outcomes for patients with uncontrolled diabetes?
4.Develop a flowchart of a typical hospital stay for a patient with uncontrolled diabetes.
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