Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

168 unit 2 | Working Within the Organization

Case Study to Promote Critical Reasoning

Antonio was recently hired as a team leader for a busy cardiac step-down unit. Nursing responsibilities
of the team leader, in addition to patient care, include meeting daily with team members, reviewing
all admissions and discharges for acuity and length of stay, and documenting all patients who
exceed length of stay and the reasons. At the end of each month, the team leaders are required to
meet with unit managers to review the patient care load and team member performance. This is the
last week of the month, and Antonio has a meeting with the unit manager at the end of the week.
He is 2 weeks behind on staff evaluations and documentation of patients who exceeded length of
stay. He is becoming very stressed over his team leader responsibilities.
1.Why do you think Antonio is feeling stressed?
2.Make a to-do list for Antonio.
3.Develop a time log for Antonio to use to analyze his activities.
4.How can Antonio organize and streamline his work?


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