Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

chapter 12

Promoting a Healthy Workplace

After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:
■Recognize the components of nurse job satisfaction.
■Describe quality indicators related to safety and quality.
■Recognize threats to safety in the workplace.
■Identify agencies responsible for overseeing workplace safety.
■Describe methods of dealing with violence in the workplace.
■Identify the role of the nurse in dealing with terrorism and
other disasters.
■Recognize situations that may reflect sexual harassment.
■Make suggestions for improving the physical and social
■Understand the American Nurses Association (ANA) Future
Vision for Nursing.

Workplace Safety
Threats to Safety
Reducing Risk
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Institute of Medicine
Sexual Harassment
Latex Allergy
Needlestick Injuries
Your Employer’s Responsibility
Your Responsibility
Ergonomic Injuries
Back Injuries
Repetitive Stress Injuries
Impaired Workers
Substance Abuse
Microbial Threats
Enhancing the Quality of Work Life
Rotating Shifts
Mandatory Overtime
Staffing Ratios
Using Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
Reporting Questionable Practices
Terrorism and Other Disasters
Enhancing the Quality of Work Life
Social Environment
Working Relationships
Support of One’s Peers and Supervisors
Involvement in Decision Making
Professional Growth and Innovation
Encourage Critical Thinking
Seek Out Educational Opportunities
Encourage New Ideas
Reward Professional Growth
Cultural Diversity
Physical Environment

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