Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

220 unit 3 | Professional Issues

trends in nursing, adjacent fields, lateral moves,
and special projects presents other options.
■Build a safety net.Networking is extremely
important to the career survivalist. Joining pro-
fessional organizations, taking time to build
long-term nursing relationships, and getting to
know other career survivalists will make your
career path more enjoyable and successful.

What do employers think you need to be ready to
work for them? In addition to passing the National
Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX),
employers cite the following skills as desirable in
job candidates (Shingleton, 1994):

Oral and Written Communication Skills

■Ability to assume responsibility
■Interpersonal skills
■Proficiency in field of study/technical
■Teamwork ability
■Willingness to work hard
■Leadership abilities
■Motivation, initiative, and flexibility
■Critical thinking and analytical skills
■Computer knowledge
■Problem-solving and decision-making abilities
■Organizational skills

Active job searches may include looking in a
variety of places (Beatty, 1991; Hunsaker, 2001):

■Public employment agencies
■Private employment agencies
■Human resource departments
■Information from friends or relatives
■Newspapers; professional journals
■College and university career centers
■Career and job fairs
■Internet Web sites
■Other professionals (networking)

In recent years, three trends have emerged related
to recruiting. First, employers are using more cre-
ativity by using alternative sources to increase
diversity of employees. They commonly have
advertisements in minority newspapers and maga-
zines and recruit nurses at minority organizations.
Second, employers are using more temporary help
as a way to evaluate potential employees. Nursing
staffing agencies are common in most areas of
the county. Third, the Internet is being used more

frequently for advertising and recruitment
(Hunsaker, 2001).
Regardless of where you begin your search,
explore the market vigorously and thoroughly.
Looking only in the classified ads on Sunday morn-
ing is a limited search. Instead, speak to everyone
you know about your job search. Encourage class-
mates and colleagues to share contacts with you, and
do the same for them. Also, when possible, try to
speak directly with the person who is looking for a
nurse when you hear of a possible opening. The
people in Human Resources (Personnel) offices
may reject a candidate on a technicality that a nurse
manager would realize does not affect that person’s
ability to handle the job if he or she is otherwise a
good match for the position. For example, experi-
ence in day surgery prepares a person to work in
other surgery-related settings, but a human
resources interviewer may not know this.
Try to obtain as much information as you can
about the available position. Is there a match
between your skills and interests and the position?
Ask yourself whether you are applying for this posi-
tion because you really want it or just to gain inter-
view experience. Be careful about going through the
interview process and receiving job offers only to
turn them down. Employers may share information
with one another, and you could end up being
denied the position you really want. Regardless of
where you explore potential opportunities, use these
“pearls of wisdom” from career nurses:

■Know yourself.
■Seek out mentors and wise people.
■Be a risk taker.
■Never, ever stop learning.
■Understand the business of health care.
■Involve yourself in community and professional
■Understand diversity.
■Be an effective communicator.
■Set short- and long-term goals, and strive
continually to achieve them.

Researching Your Potential Employer
You have spent time taking a look at yourself and
the climate of the health-care job market. You have
narrowed your choices to the organizations that
really interest you. Now is the time to find out as
much as possible about these organizations.
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