Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

chapter 15

Nursing Yesterday and Today

After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:
■Compare and contrast historical and current definitions of
■Discuss the contribution of nursing leaders to the develop-
ment of modern nursing: Florence Nightingale, Lillian Wald,
Margaret Sanger, Mary Mahoney, Mildred Montag, and
Virginia Henderson.
■Discuss the history of men in nursing.
■Differentiate the roles of the American Nurses Association,
National League for Nursing, National Organization for
Associate Degree Nursing, American Academy of Nursing,
and National Institute for Nursing Research.
■Discuss ways for nurses to project a positive image.
■Discuss some of the issues faced by the nursing profession
over the past century and today.
■Identify changes that will affect nursing’s future
■Describe actions every nurse can take to promote the profes-
sion and high quality of care.

Nursing Defined
Florence Nightingale
Becoming a Nurse
The Need for Reform
The Crimean War
A School for Nurses
Early Health-Care Reform
Nightingale’s Contributions
Lillian Wald
Turning Point
The Visiting Nurses
The Henry Street Settlement House
Other Accomplishments
Margaret Sanger
Labor Reformer
A New Concern for Sanger
Contraception Reform
Mary Eliza Mahoney
Contribution to Nursing
Mildred Montag
Meeting the Need with Associate Degree Nurses
Virginia Henderson
Expanding the Definition of Nursing
Contributions to 20th Century Nursing
Men in Nursing
Professional Organizations
National League for Nursing
National Organization for Associate Degree Nursing
American Academy of Nursing
National Institute for Nursing Research
Specialty Organizations
Health Care Today
Nursing Today
Health Care in the Future
Nursing in the Future

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