Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

56 unit 1 | Professional Considerations


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performed. It is discovered that the tumor is an enlarged lymph node and that the “ovary” is actually
a testis. Amanda has both male and female gonads.
When this information is given to Amanda’s parents, they do not want her to know. They feel that
she was raised as “their daughter.” They ask the surgeon to remove the male gonads and leave only the
female gonads. That way, “Amanda will never need to know.” The surgeon refuses to do this. Andy
believes that the parents should discuss the situation with Amanda as they are denying her choices.
The parents are adamant about Amanda not knowing anything. Andy returns to Amanda’s room, and
Amanda begins asking all types of questions regarding the tests and the treatments. In answering,
Andy hesitates, and Amanda picks up on this, demanding that he tell her the truth.
1.How should Andy respond?
2.What are the ethical principles in conflict?
3.What are the long-term effects of Andy’s decision?
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