Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1

chapter 6

Getting People

to Work Together

After reading this chapter, the student should be able to:
■Describe the basic listening sequence and principles for
effective communication.
■Identify barriers to effective communication.
■Discuss strategies for communication with colleagues and
patients in health-care settings.
■Provide positive and negative feedback in a constructive
■Respond to feedback in a constructive manner.
■Evaluate the conduct of performance appraisals.
■Participate in formal peer review.

The Basic Listening Sequence
Principles for Effective Communication
Assertiveness in Communication
Barriers to Effective Communication in the Workplace
Physical Barriers
Psychological Barriers
Semantic Barriers
Gender Barriers
Communication With Colleagues
Information Systems and E-Mail
Computerized Systems
Reporting Patient Information
Change-of-Shift Report
Team Conferences
Communicating With Other Disciplines
Communicating with the Health-Care Provider
Health-Care Provider Orders
Communicating With Patients and Their Families
Why Do People Need Feedback?
Guidelines for Providing Feedback
Provide Both Positive and Negative Feedback
Give Immediate Feedback
Provide Frequent Feedback
Give Negative Feedback Privately
Be Objective
Base Feedback on Observable Behavior
Include Suggestions for Change
Accept Feedback in Return
Seeking Evaluative Feedback
When Is Evaluative Feedback Needed?
Responding to Evaluative Feedback
Performance Appraisal
Standards for Evaluation
Peer Review
Fundamentals of Peer Review
A Comprehensive Peer Review System
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