Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition

(Martin Jones) #1
chapter 6 | Getting People to Work Together 79

repeat it, often without checking for new orders.
During the day, the worksheet acts as a reminder of
the tasks that have been completed and of those
that still need to be done.
Reporting skills improve with practice. When
presenting information in a report, certain details
must be included. Begin the report by identifying
the patient and the admitting as well as current
diagnoses. Include the expected treatment plan and
the patient’s responses to the treatment. For exam-
ple, if the patient has had multiple antibiotics and a

reaction occurred, this information is important to
relay to the next nurse. Value judgments and per-
sonal opinions about the patient are inappropriate
(Fig. 6.2).

Team Conferences
Members of a team share information through
verbal and written communication in an interdisci-
plinary team conference. The team conference
begins by stating the patient’s name, age, and diag-
noses. Each member of an interdisciplinary team

Figure 6.2Patient information report.

Room # __________ Patient Name __________________ Diagnoses ______________________

Diet _____________ Activity_______________________________________________________

1900 0100

2000 0200

2100 0300

2200 0400

2300 0500

2400 0600
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