Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
relationship, 455
sizing, 456, 459
in slides, 455-456
viewing layouts, 459
dialog box launcher, 7, 751
dialog boxes
closing, 12
displaying, 7, 751
displaying errors in, 302
filtering criteria, 349
Help buttons, xxv
moving, 419
adding words to, 269, 272
bilingual, 83, 87
in PowerPoint, 412
supplemental, 412, 415
disability accessibility, 503
disabling macros, 759
Display As field in contact records, 649
display effects. See transitions
distributing documents
electronically, 219
in XPS format, 223
distributing pictures horizontally, 928
distribution lists. See contact groups
dividing cells, 154
dividing presentations into sections, 380
Dock to Desktop button (OneNote), 532
docking OneNote window, 532
docking Side Notes to desktop, 591
document format, setting default, 20
document headings, 51
document history, 16
Document Inspector (PowerPoint), 502, 505
Document Inspector (Word), 219, 221
document navigation, 78
document outlines, 52
Document Panel, 502
document properties, 15, 219-220
Document Properties panel, 229-231
document statistics, 93
document summaries, 221
Document Themes folder, 107
documents. See also saving documents
blank, creating, 41
blank, opening, 38
closing, 48, 51
compatibility with earlier versions, 44
creating, 38-41
default format, setting, 20
e-mailing, 615
formatting in columns, 141. See also columns,
full-screen display, 52, 56

inserting in other documents, 97
location, specifying, 23
maximizing, 59
moving to top, 55
navigating, 47, 56-57, 71
opening, 46, 48
printing with default settings, 34
read-only, opening as, 46
recently opened, 16, 46
renaming when saving, 43
repairing, 46
scrolling through, 47, 50
selecting, 65
sharing, 16
side-by-side display, 55
splitting into two panes, 53
switching between, 53, 59
translating, 84
viewing multiple, 59
zooming in/out, 53
Documents library, 46
.docx format, 43-45
dollar sign ($) in absolute references, 294
double-clicking tabs, 757
Draft button, 58
Draft view, 52
automatic deletion of, 605
resuming, 605, 607
save location, changing, 605
saving, 605
viewing, 606
Drafts folder, 605-606
drag-and-drop editing, 66, 71, 401
dragging in Excel
to copy formulas, 292
to fill cells, 256
to resize images, 340
to select cells, 260
Draw tab (OneNote ribbon), 520
Draw Text Box button (Publisher), 902
drawing objects, 167
drawing pictures in OneNote, 577
drawing shapes, 470, 933
drawing tables in Word, 151. See also tables
drawing text boxes, 196, 902-903
Drawing Tools Format contextual tab, 903,
931, 959
Drop Cap dialog box (Word), 202
drop caps, inserting, 202
drop shadows, 918
duplex printing, 217
duplicating shapes, 471, 474
duplicating slides, 375, 378

duplicating slides 995

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