Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
Microsoft Office Security Options dialog box, 759
Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS), xii, xvi
Microsoft Office Trusted Location dialog box, 759
Microsoft OneNote 2010. See also notebooks
advanced options, 536
audio/video options, 536
Backstage view, 522
customizing, 535
display options, 536
docking to desktop, 532-533
docking window, 532
drawing pictures in, 577
entering text in, 572
external files, inserting, 572
Full Page View, 533
handwritten content, 520
Help, accessing, 525
inserting content in, 519
language options, 536
Navigation Bar, 517, 526-527
navigation keyboard shortcuts, 534
online version, xi
opening images from, 576
Page Tabs Bar, collapsing, 529
Page Tabs Bar, default location of, 526
Pages tab, expanding, 533
page titles, displaying, 529
paragraph formatting, 569
printing from, 525
product activation, 525
program window, 516, 521, 526, 527
proofing options, 536
ribbon, 519, 531
saving options, 536
saving pages, 524
screen clippings from, 579-582
sending items to, 580
sending pages to Outlook/Word, 524
Side Notes, 591
starting, 4, 526
storage structure, 516
tags, 578-579
translating content, 520
undocking, 533
Unfiled Notes section, 528
Microsoft Outlook dialog box, 665
Microsoft PowerPoint presentations, previewing in
Reading Pane, 624
Microsoft Press Technical Support, xxxiii
Microsoft Product Support Services, xxix, xxxvii
Microsoft Publisher 2010. See Publisher 2010
Microsoft SharePoint
file location, setting default, 20
sharing notebooks from, 545, 547

Microsoft Translator service, 84
Microsoft Update service, 10
Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
macros, 758, 759
Microsoft Word 2010. See also documents
compatibility with earlier versions, 44
file formats, 44
first time starting, 10
handouts, creating, 501
Help button, xxvi
Help window, opening, xxvi
OneNote pages, sending to, 524
online version, xi
starting, 4, 10
views in, 52
Microsoft Word Help button, xxxiv
MIN function, 287
Mini Toolbar, 65, 312, 439, 440
character formatting with, 111
hiding, 18
Mini Translator, 82, 84, 417
Minimize button, 5
Minimize The Ribbon button, 8, 59, 751
Minimize The To-Do Bar button, 613
documents, 5
ribbon, 8, 59, 751
minimum value in worksheets
advantage of identifying, 281
finding, 287
mirroring margins, 210
misspellings. See spelling, checking
mistakes, correcting automatically. See AutoCorrect
Mobile Address Book, 646
mobile device messaging. See text messages
mobile devices, OneNote on, 593
monitoring values in cells, 303-304
monitors, multiple, 508
Month button, 708
Month view (Calendar), 702, 704, 708-709
months, entering series with AutoFill, 256
More button (Access), 772, 806
More button (PowerPoint), 424
More Fields button, 803
MOS (Microsoft Office Specialist), xii, xvi
Move or Copy dialog box (Excel), 233, 235
Move Up button (Word), 28
cells, 238, 240
to cells, 260
diagrams, 456, 459
dialog boxes, 419
fields, 808
images, 343
pictures, 450

moving 1007

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