Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Word tables (continued)
moving, 153
navigating in, 152
overview of, 149
previewing, 154
resizing, 153, 157
row properties, setting, 159
saving as Quick Tables, 165
selecting elements in, 153, 155
shading cells, 162
size handle, 152, 157
sorting, 154
splitting cells, 154
total rows, 161
width, setting, 159
WordArt button, 198, 908-909
WordArt gallery, 909
WordArt objects
aligning, 911
best practices for, 908
centering, 198
colors, setting, 917
converting text into, 197
editing text, 909
formatting, 912
gradient fill, adding, 915
inserting, 197-198, 908-909
layout, modifying, 913
moving, 911
overview of, 197, 908
page position, modifying, 913
positioning, 198
resizing, 911, 912
selecting, 915
shading styles, 917
shadow effects, 918
shape, changing, 913, 914
starting new lines in, 198
styles, applying, 200, 909
text wrapping, 199
adding to dictionary, 269, 272
selecting, 65, 68
Work Week button, 705
Work Week view (Calendar), 702, 705
arranging multiple windows, 243, 251
copying worksheets, 233, 235
creating, 228, 230
default, 228
display font, changing, 313, 315
displaying side by side, 243
Document Properties panel, 229

filtering ranges, 284
properties, 229-232
saving, 229, 232
switching between, 227, 243, 251
themes. See themes, Excel
worksheet cells. See also ranges
absolute references, 294, 307
active, 260-261, 349
aligning, 318
borders, 312, 314
contiguous, in formulas, 290
copying, 258, 261
deleting, 238, 240
deleting contents/formatting of, 311
entering data in, 256, 258
filtering. See filters, Excel
finding sum of, 286
formatting, copying, 258, 260
individual, selecting, 260
inserting, 238, 240
monitoring values in, 303, 304
moving, 238, 240
moving to, 260
noncontiguous, adding to formulas, 290
noncontiguous, formatting, 314
number formatting in, 319
pasting formulas in, 291
references, 294-295, 301
shading, 312-314, 324
visible, summarizing, 355, 357
worksheet columns
changing multiple, 237
copying, 261
deleting, 238
##### error code, 301
filtering. See filters
formatting, 312
hiding, 238-239
inserting, 237, 239
labels, and filtering, 349
labels, as range names, 283
labels, hiding, 249
moving, 261
selecting, 261
unhiding, 238
width, changing, 237
width errors, 301
worksheets, Excel
backgrounds, 341-344
columns. See columns, worksheet
copying, 233, 235
creating, 233
deleting, 234, 236

1030 WordArt button

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