Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

116 Chapter 4 Change the Look of Text

  1. In the Font group, click the Font Size arrow, and then in the list, click 20.

The size of the heading text decreases to 20 points.
Tip You can increase or decrease the font size in set increments by clicking the Grow
Font and Shrink Font buttons in the Font group, or by clicking the same buttons on the
Mini Toolbar that appears when you select text. You can also press Ctrl+> or Ctrl+<.

  1. Click the Font dialog box launcher.

Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+Shift+F to display the Font dialog box.
The Font dialog box opens.

  1. Click the Underline style arrow, and then in the list, click (none).

  2. In the Effects area, select the Small caps check box.

  3. Click the Advanced tab.

Notice that the Spacing option is currently set to Expanded.

The Advanced page of the Font dialog box.
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