Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

136 Chapter 4 Change the Look of Text

Formatting Text as You Type
The Word list capabilities are just one example of the program’s ability to intuit how
you want to format an element based on what you type. You can learn more about
these and other AutoFormatting options by exploring the AutoCorrect dialog box.
Display the Backstage view, click Options, click Proofing in the left pane of the Word
Options dialog box, and then on the Proofing page, click AutoCorrect Options.
On the AutoFormat As You Type page, you can see the options Word implements by
default, including bulleted and numbered lists. You can select and clear options to
control AutoFormatting behavior.

The AutoFormat As You Type page of the AutoCorrect dialog box.
One interesting option is Border Lines. When this check box is selected, typing three
consecutive hyphens (-) or three consecutive underscores (_) and pressing Enter
draws a single line across the page. Three consecutive equal signs (=) draw a double
line, and three consecutive tildes (~) draw a zigzag line.
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