Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
Tip In addition to cropping a picture manually, you can click the Crop arrow and select
from various options, including having Word crop a picture to fit a shape you select,
cropping to a precise width:height ratio, filling an area with a picture, or fitting a
picture to an area.

  1. Click to the left of the Joan has worked paragraph, press Enter, and then press the
    Up Arrow key. Then repeat steps 1 through 6 to insert, size, and crop the Joan pic-
    ture below the Joan Lambert heading.

  2. With the Joan picture still selected, on the Format contextual tab, in the Adjust
    group, click the Color button.
    The Color gallery appears.

You can change the saturation and tone, as well as recolor the picture.

  1. Under Recolor in the Color gallery, preview each option, and then click the second
    thumbnail in the first row (Grayscale).
    The picture is grayscaled—that is, each color is converted into a shade of gray.

  2. In the Adjust group, click the Corrections button. Then in the Corrections gallery,
    under Brightness and Contrast, preview each option, and then click the fourth
    thumbnail in the top row (Brightness: +20% Contrast: -40%).

Inserting and Modifying Pictures 171

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