Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
The Gradient page of the Fill Effects dialog box.

  1. In the Colors area, click Two colors, and then leaving Color 1 set to light green,
    click the Color 2 arrow, and in the fifth column of boxes, select the top box (Blue,
    Accent 1, Lighter 80%).
    The Variants and Sample areas change to show graded combinations of the two

  2. In the Shading styles area, click each option in turn and observe the effects in the
    Variants and Sample areas. Then click Diagonal Up.

  3. In the Variants area, click the option in the upper-left corner, and then click OK.

The background of the document is now shaded from light green to light blue.

Changing a Document’s Background 177

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