Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1
You can drag cell content to another location.

CLEAN UP Save the RouteVolume workbook, and then close it.

Customizing the Excel 2010 Program Window

How you use Excel 2010 depends on your personal working style and the type of data
collections you manage. The Excel product team interviews customers, observes how
differing organizations use the program, and sets up the user interface so that many
users won’t need to change it to work effectively. If you do want to change the Excel
program window, including the user interface, you can. You can change how Excel dis-
plays your worksheets; zoom in on worksheet data; add frequently used commands
to the Quick Access Toolbar; hide, display, and reorder ribbon tabs; and create custom
tabs to make groups of commands readily accessible.

Customizing the Excel 2010 Program Window 241

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