Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

340 Chapter 11 Change Workbook Appearance

from which you can locate the picture you want to add from your hard disk. When you
insert a picture, the Picture Tools Format contextual tab appears on the ribbon. You can
use the tools on the Format contextual tab to change the picture’s contrast, brightness,
and other attributes. With the controls in the Picture Styles group, you can place a bor-
der around the picture, change the picture’s shape, or change a picture’s effects (such as
shadow, reflection, or three-dimensional effects). Other tools, found in the Arrange and
Size groups, enable you to rotate, reposition, and resize the picture.

You can place an image anywhere on a worksheet.

You can also resize a picture by clicking it and then dragging one of the handles that
appears on the graphic. If you accidentally resize a graphic by dragging a handle, just
click the Undo button to remove your change.
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