Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Key Points.

● If you don’t like the default font in which Excel displays your data, you can change it.
● You can use cell formatting, including borders, alignment, and fill colors, to
emphasize certain cells in your worksheets. This emphasis is particularly useful
for making column and row labels stand out from the data.
● Excel comes with a number of existing styles that enable you to change the
appearance of individual cells. You can also create new styles to make format-
ting your workbooks easier.
● If you want to apply the formatting from one cell to another cell, use the Format
Painter to copy the format quickly.
● There are quite a few built-in document themes and Excel table formats you can
apply to groups of cells. If you see one you like, use it and save yourself lots of
formatting time.
● Conditional formats enable you to set rules so that Excel changes the appearance
of a cell’s contents based on its value.
● Adding images can make your worksheets more visually appealing and make your
data easier to understand. Excel 2010 greatly enhances your ability to manage
your images without leaving Excel.

Key Points 345

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