Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Adding Slides with Ready-Made Content 379

Working with Slide Libraries
If your organization is running Microsoft SharePoint Server and has enabled slide
libraries, and if PowerPoint Professional Plus is installed on your computer, you and
your colleagues can store slides or even entire presentations in a slide library so
that they are available for use in any presentation.
For example, suppose a graphically gifted person has developed a slide with a
sophisticated chart showing the percentage of income derived from the sale of
different categories of merchandise. He or she can store the slide in a slide library
so that other people can use it in their presentations without having to take the
time to develop a similar chart. Larger organizations might even have people on
staff with responsibility for creating this type of slide, so that they can ensure that
all presentations convey the same information in the same professional way.
To store slides in a slide library:

  1. Display the Backstage view, click Save & Send, and then click Publish Slides.

  2. In the right pane, click the Publish Slides button.
    The Publish Slides dialog box opens.

  3. In the Publish Slides dialog box, select the check box for the slide you want to
    store in the library.

  4. If the URL of your SharePoint slide library does not appear in the Publish To
    box, click the box, and type the URL.

  5. Click Publish to store the slide in the slide library.
    To insert a slide from a slide library:

  6. Click the slide after which you want the new slide to appear.

  7. On the Home tab, in the Slides group, click the New Slide arrow, and then
    click Reuse Slides.

  8. In the Reuse Slides task pane, in the Insert Slide From box, type the URL of
    your SharePoint slide library, and then click the Go arrow.
    You can also click Browse, click Browse Slide Library, and then navigate to the
    URL of the library in the Select A Slide Library dialog box.

  9. Double-click the thumbnail of the slide you want to insert in the active

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