Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Changing the Look of Placeholders 433

  1. Click the Apply to All button, and then click Close.

PowerPoint applies the textured background to all the slides in the presentation.

  1. In the Themes group, click the More button.

The Themes gallery appears.

At the top of the gallery is a thumbnail reflecting the formatting you have applied to this

CLEAN UP Save the ColorDesign presentation, and then close it.

Changing the Look of Placeholders.

For a consistent look, you won’t usually want to change the formatting of a presenta-
tion’s placeholders. However, when you want to draw attention to an entire slide or an
element of a slide, you can do so effectively by making specific placeholders stand out.
You might also want to format text boxes that you have drawn manually on a slide.
See Also For information about drawing text boxes, see “Adding Text Boxes” in Chapter 14,
“Work with Slide Text.”
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