Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Changing the Alignment, Spacing, Size, and Look of Text 437

You can easily set off text boxes and placeholders with combinations of color, borders,
and effects.

CLEAN UP Save the BusinessTravelA presentation, and then close it.

Changing the Alignment, Spacing, Size, and Look of Text.

In most PowerPoint templates, text appears as either a slide title or a bulleted list. The
alignment and spacing of the text are controlled by the design built into the template.
You can override these settings, which are collectively called paragraph formatting. Click
anywhere in the paragraph, and then do the following:
● Lists Click the Bullets arrow to display a gallery of alternative built-in bullet symbols.
You can click None to remove bullet formatting and create an ordinary paragraph.
To switch to a numbered list, click the Numbering arrow, and then click the number-
ing style you want.
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