Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Setting Up Presentations for Delivery 487

If you want the same identifying information to appear at the bottom of every slide, you
can insert it in a footer. You can specify the date and time, the slide number, and custom
text in the Header And Footer dialog box, which shows a preview of where the specified
items will appear on the slide.
If you are going to deliver a presentation before an audience and will control the pro-
gression of slides manually, the default settings will work well. However, provided the
slides have been assigned advancement times on the Transitions tab, you can set up the
presentation to run automatically, either once or continuously. For example, you might
want to set up a product demonstration slide show in a store or at a tradeshow so that it
runs automatically, looping until someone stops it. All it takes is a few settings in the Set
Up Show dialog box.
In this exercise, you’ll explore the Page Setup dialog box and experiment with slide
orientation. You’ll add footer information to every slide in a presentation, and then
turn the presentation into a self-running slide show.

SET UP You need the ServiceOrientationA_start presentation located in
your Chapter17 practice file folder to complete this exercise. Open the
ServiceOrientationA_start presentation, and save it as ServiceOrientationA.
Then follow the steps.

  1. On the Design tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Page Setup button.

The Page Setup dialog box opens.

By default, the slides in a presentation are sized for an on-screen slide show with
a width-to-height ratio of 4:3.

  1. Display the Slides sized for list, and toward the bottom, click 35mm Slides.

The Width setting changes to 11.25 inches and the Height setting changes to
7.5 inches.
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