Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

534 Chapter 18 Explore OneNote 2010

  1. In the Navigate group, click the Next Page button two times.

Keyboard Shortcut Press Ctrl+Page Down to display the next page in the current sec-
tion. Press Ctrl+Page Up to display the previous page in the section. Press Alt+Home to
display the first page in the section. Press Alt+End to display the last page in the section.
OneNote displays the Top Uses page in Full Page view.

In Full Page view, the Navigation Bar and Page Tabs Bar are hidden.

  1. On the Quick Access Toolbar, click the active Full Page View button.

OneNote returns to Normal view, and the Pages tab disappears from the ribbon.
CLEAN UP Close the Personal notebook, but leave OneNote open.
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