Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Creating Sections and Pages 555

The Page Tabs Bar is part of the program window, so when you switch between pages,
sections, or notebooks, its width doesn’t change. The configuration of common elements
such as the Navigation Bar and Page Tabs Bar remains constant, and changing them for
one page changes them for all pages.

Creating Sections and Section Groups.

You have fewer options to consider when creating sections than when creating pages,
because there is only one type of section. Unlike pages, sections don’t have special tem-
plates. You can change a section color to differentiate it from other sections, perhaps
as a visual reminder to yourself, and you can safeguard a section by assigning an access
password to it.
See Also For information about changing a section color, see the “Page and Section
Backgrounds” section of “Entering Content Directly onto a Page” in Chapter 20, “Create
and Organize Notes.”
When a notebook contains a lot of information, you might want to create a section
group. This useful organizational tool is an entirely separate set of sections and pages
within a notebook. You can move sections to and among section groups.
In this exercise, you will rename existing sections and pages, add pages and subpages to
a section, and then add a section and a section group to a notebook.

SET UP You need the My SBS Notes notebook you created earlier in this chapter to
complete this exercise. Open the My SBS Notes notebook, expand the Navigation Bar
and the Page Tabs Bar, and then follow the steps.

  1. In the notebook header, right-click the New Section 1 tab, and then click Rename.

The tab name is selected for editing.

  1. Type Work, and then press Enter.

The section name changes on the section tab and on the Navigation Bar.

  1. On the Untitled page, click in the page title box, and then type Notes.

As you type, the page name changes on the Page Tabs Bar.

  1. On the Page Tabs Bar, click the New Page arrow and then, in the list, click Simple
    To Do List.
    OneNote creates a new page, titled To Do List. On the Page Tabs Bar, the To Do List
    page tab follows the Notes page tab.

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