Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Sending Content to OneNote 583

A screen clipping.

If you clipped content from a Web page, the notebook page tab name matches
the Web page title. If you clipped content from the desktop or from another pro-
gram, the notebook page tab name is Screen clipping taken:, followed by the date.
In either case, the page title box at the top of the page is empty.

Collecting Web Notes.

From Internet Explorer, you can send an entire Web page to OneNote.
To capture a Web note, follow these steps:

  1. In Internet Explorer, display the Web page you want to send to OneNote.

  2. On the Tools menu, click Send To OneNote.

  3. In the Select Location In OneNote dialog box, click the section to which you want
    to send the screen clipping, and then click Send To Selected Location. If the note-
    book to which you want to send the screen clipping is not open, click the Unfiled
    Notes section.
    OneNote creates a new page in the selected section and inserts the Web page
    content in a note container on the page.

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