Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Attaching Files to Messages 617

  1. In the message header, click the Send button.

Outlook closes the message window and sends the message.
CLEAN UP When you receive the SBS First Draft message in your Inbox, retain it for
use in later exercises.

Tip If you want to send personalized copies of the same e-mail message to several people, you
can use the mail merge feature of Word 2010. For more information, refer to Microsoft Word
2010 Step by Step by Joyce Cox and Joan Lambert (Microsoft Press, 2010).

Troubleshooting File Types and Extensions
By default, Windows does not display file extensions in Explorer windows or
dialog boxes such as the Insert File dialog box. You can usually differentiate file
types by their icons—for example, the blue Word icon precedes the Brochure
document name, and the red PowerPoint icon precedes the StrategySession
presentation name.
You can display the file type as a field in specific views or as part of all file names.
● In a dialog box or Windows Explorer window, you can display the file type by
clicking the Change Your View arrow on the toolbar and then clicking either
Details or Tiles; each of these views includes the Type field.
● To display file extensions as part of all file names, click Organize on the
toolbar of any Windows Explorer window, and then click Folder And Search
Options. On the View tab of the Folder Options dialog box, clear the Hide
Extensions For Known File Types check box, and then click Apply or OK.

Tip Many picture files are large, requiring a lot of bandwidth to send and a lot of storage
space to receive. Instead of opening a message and then attaching a full-size picture file to it,
you can send and simultaneously resize a picture by right-clicking the picture file in Windows
Explorer, clicking Send To, and then clicking Mail Recipient. In the Attach Files dialog box that
appears, choose from among five picture size options; the corresponding file size appears
when you select a picture size. Then click Attach to open a message window in your default
e-mail program.
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