Microsoft Office Professional 2010 Step by Step eBook

(Ben Green) #1

Locating Information That Matches Multiple Criteria 861

  1. In the Criteria row of the Region field, type ca or wa, and then press Enter.

Tip If you want to find the records for customers who live in California or Oregon, you
cannot type ca or or, because Access treats or as a reserved word. You must type ca or
“or” in the Criteria row. Anytime you want to enter a criterion that will be interpreted
as an instruction rather than a string of characters, enclose the characters in quotation
marks to achieve the desired results.
Your entry changes to “ca” Or “wa”. The query will now filter the table to display
the records for only those customers with last names beginning with the letter S
who live in California or Washington.

The grid with two criteria.

  1. In the Sort & Filter group, click the Toggle Filter button to display only records
    that match the criteria.
    Access switches to the Customers table page and displays the filter results.

Six customers with last names beginning with S live in either California or Washington.
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