365 Steps to Self-confidence: A Complete Programme for Personal Transformation - in Just a Few Minutes a Day

(Martin Jones) #1

Emotional intelligenceis central for high self-esteem, confidence and assertive-
ness. It has two aspects, which are equally important:

■ Self-awareness:an understanding of, and ability to manage your emotions.

■ The ability to sense what others feel and respond appropriately. People who
have this communicate more effectively, make friends more easily and inspire
loyalty and confidence.

Human beings are more inclined to act emotionally than logically. When you
relate to others on an emotionallevel, and realise that they’re unlikely to think,
feel and react like you – you get on better with everybody. Be sensitive to others’
feelings, accept and empathise with them. Then you’ll be more confident in all
your personal interactions.

(^50) Emotional intelligence

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