
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Team Development 131

But the distinct advantage of both the Hebrews and the Christians
was their respect for and use of the ‘‘human resource.’’ Unlike the ma-
rauding tribes against whom they often defended themselves, they
valued individuals highly. And they were able to galvanize those indi-
viduals into strong teams that readily subordinated their individual de-
sires to the needs of the group.
The best modern leaders also place a strong value on people. They
also realize that references to a ‘‘team’’ ring hollow if the members of
the team don’t feel valued as people, or if they see the team leader
reaping all the glory while they do all the work.


‘‘For the Lord’s portion is his people.’’ (Deut. 32:9) That’s the biblical
way of saying ‘‘People are our most important asset’’—not goats, sheep,
camels, golden temple ornaments, or even the temple itself!
Peter Senge, inThe Fifth Discipline, gives a modern update on this
passage: ‘‘... the active force is people. And people have their own
will, their own mind, and their own way of thinking. If the employees
themselves are not sufficiently motivated to challenge the goals of
growth and technical development... there simply will be no growth,
no gain in productivity, and no technical development.’’^1
And many modern leaders, some of whom came of age before Senge,
reflect this ‘‘people perspective’’:

❖‘‘What aspect of running a large corporation is the most daunting?
Without a doubt, it’s dealing on a day-to-day basis with the human
equation—making sure our cast members [employees] are committed
and motivated, and that their emotions are engaged in the right ways.’’^2
These words by Michael Eisner, chairman of The Disney Corporation,
are reminiscent of King David’s when he took over the throne of Israel:
‘‘For who can govern this great people of yours?’’

❖Fred Smith of FedEx runs his company by the watchwords: ‘‘Peo-
ple, Service, Profit,’’ in that order. The FedExManager’s Guidestates,

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