
(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Honesty and Integrity 23

to take a true ‘‘strategic’’ (biblical) view of this issue. Frances Hesselbein,
former CEO of the Girl Scouts of America has noted that the longest-
lasting organizations are usually blessed with leaders who have a sense
of ethics and personal integrity. She may have been thinking of the
Girl Scouts or century-old companies like Procter & Gamble, but her
comments could equally apply to the organizational leaders of the Old
and New Testaments.
Whether the time is 5000.. or the twenty-first century, honesty
and integrity ensure organizational success in the way it matters
most—in the long term!



 People won’t follow leaders they think are dishonest.
 You can’t expect honest followers if you model dishonesty.
 The higher you go, the more visible your integrity or lack of it
 ‘‘Insignificant’’ dishonest acts usually beget larger acts of
 In times of crisis, adversity, and temptation, a leader’s integrity
becomes most evident.
 Integrity is exhibited in actions, not pronouncements of
 Honesty and integrity pay off long-term, though they may
involve losses and sacrifices short-term.
 An organization with an ethical code and system of safeguards
can create more consistently honest leaders.
 Act as if someone else with more power than you is watching.
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