Purpose 47
Our best modern experts on management have constantly empha-
sized the steadying role of purpose (often using terms likevisionand
mission) in achieving organizational success:
‘‘The single defining quality of leaders is their ability to create and
realize a vision.’’ (Warren Bennis)
‘‘All the leaders I know have a strongly defined sense of purpose. And
when you have an organization where the people are aligned behind a
clearly defined vision or purpose, you get a powerful organization.’’ (Mar-
shall Loeb)
‘‘Detached from values, money may indeed be the root of all evil.
Linked to social purpose, it can be the root of opportunity.’’ (Rosabeth
Moss Kanter)
When we read quotes like these, we may first think of Bill Gates,
Steve Jobs, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield, and Roberto Goizueta.
The managers of the Bible did not have the benefit of modern manage-
ment consultants and business theorists. But they intuitively knew that
dedication to purpose was the secret of organizational and individual
success. The above quotes could just as easily have been written (in
Aramaic or Hebrew, of course) by Moses, Nehemiah, Queen Esther,
King Hezekiah, or the apostle Paul. Fortunately, their original message
of purpose and mission has been preserved in the pages of the Bible.
You just have to know where to look.
Purpose can empower people to reach greater goals than they
ever thought possible.
Great goals are seldom achieved without confronting internal
obstacles and external opposition.