
(Nancy Kaufman) #1


throughout the organization... After his death, the responsibility of
doing this has fallen squarely on the shoulders of all of us.’’^26
Ben Cohen of Ben & Jerry’s feels love is as important an ingredient
in his ice cream as heavy cream or chocolate fudge brownies: ‘‘When
you give love, you receive love... there is a spiritual dimension to
business just as there is to the lives of individuals.’’^27
Pamela Coker, the CEO of Acucobol, a successful software company,
is another proponent of universal love: ‘‘Love your customers, employ-
ees, shareholders, vendors and community... and the profits will fol-
low.’’ A company representative calls every customer once a month,
and twice a year the customer receives a gift. Family and friends, not
just employees, are invited to all company events. Says Coker, ‘‘I am
committed to helping every Acucobol employee attain his or her
The telecommunications industry has not always been known as a
hotbed of love and compassion. But listen to two of its titans talk about
the necessity for these traits:

‘‘If we face a recession, we should not lay off employees; the company
should sacrifice a profit. It’s management’s risk and responsibility. Em-
ployees are not guilty; why should they suffer?’’ (Akio Morita, CEO of
‘‘My philosophy of business? Five words: to love and to achieve. And
the second will never happen without the first.’’ (Robert Galvin, former
CEO of Motorola, addressing his successor and son, Chris, who will try
to put these principles into action in the next generation)

Compassion. Mercy. Forgiveness. Love. These timeless qualities are
gradually returning to our boardrooms, our offices, our factories, and
hopefully our homes, which are so often influenced by the climate at
the workplace. The progress may be uneven at times, but as a general
trend, these words from Ezekiel 11:19 are being manifested more often
and with more conviction and intensity: ‘‘I will take away their hearts
of stone and give them tender hearts instead.’’

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