Cardiac output may be increased in children or young
adults during the earliest stages of essential hypertension, but
by the time hypertension is established in middle life the pre-
dominant haemodynamic abnormality is an elevated periph-
eral vascular resistance. With ageing, elastic fibres in the aorta
and conduit arteries are replaced by less compliant collagen
causing arterial stiffening and systolic hypertension, which is
common in the elderly.
The kidney plays a key role in the control of blood pressure
and in the pathogenesis of hypertension. Excretion of salt and
water controls intravascular volume. Secretion of renin influ-
ences vascular tone and electrolyte balance via activation of the
renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system. Renal disease (vascular,
parenchymal or obstructive) is a cause of arterial hypertension.
Conversely, severe hypertension causes glomerular sclerosis,
manifested clinically by proteinuria and reduced glomerular fil-
tration, leading to a vicious circle of worsening blood pressure
and progressive renal impairment. Renal cross-transplantation
experiments in several animal models of hypertension, as well
as observations following therapeutic renal transplantation in
humans, both point to the importance of the kidney in the
pathogenesis of hypertension.
The sympathetic nervous system is also important in the
control of blood pressure, providing background αreceptor-
mediated vasoconstrictor tone and βreceptor-mediated cardiac
stimulation. Sympathetic activity varies rapidly to adjust for
changes in cardiovascular demand with alterations in posture
and physical activity. It is also activated by emotional states
such as anxiety, and this can result in ‘white-coat’ hyperten-
sion. A vasoconstrictor peptide, endothelin, released by the
endothelium contributes to vasoconstrictor tone. Conversely,
endothelium-derived nitric oxide provides background active
vasodilator tone.
Cardiovascular drugs work by augmenting or inhibiting
these processes, see Figure 28.3. The main such drugs for treat-
ing hypertension can usefully be grouped as:
Aangiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEI) and
angiotensin AT 1 receptor antagonists (sartans);
B beta-adrenoceptor antagonists;
C calcium channel antagonists;
Peripheral resistance Kidneys
Figure 28.2:Arterial blood pressure is controlled by the force of
contraction of the heart and the peripheral resistance (resistances
in parallel though various vascular beds). The fullness of the
circulation is controlled by the kidneys, which play a critical role
in essential hypertension.
Sympathetic ganglia
Adrenal cortex
(‘B’ drugs)
Vasomotor centre
α 2 -Adrenoceptor agonists
(e.g. clonidine)
Imidazoline receptor agonists
(e.g. moxonidine)
Vascular smooth muscle
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Calcium channel blockers (‘C’ drugs)
Diuretics (‘D’ drugs)
α 1 -Blockers (e.g. doxazosin)
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin receptors blockers
Mineralocorticoid antagonists
Juxtaglomerular cells
β-blockers (‘B’ drugs)
Renin inhibitors
Kidney tubules
Diuretics (‘D’ drugs)
ACE inhibitors
receptor blockers
(‘A’ drugs)
(‘A’ drugs)
‘A’ drugs
Figure 28.3:Classes of
antihypertensive drugs and their
sites of action.