Mechanism of action
GTNworks by relaxing vascular smooth muscle. It is metabo-
lized by smooth-muscle cells with generation of nitric oxide
(NO). This combines with a haem group in the soluble isoform
of guanylyl cyclase, activating this enzyme and thereby
increasing the cytoplasmic concentration of the second mes-
senger cGMP. cGMP causes sequestration of Ca^2 within the
sarcoplasmic reticulum, thus relaxing smooth muscle. NO is
also synthesized from endogenous substrate (L-arginine)
under physiological conditions by a constitutive enzyme in
vascular endothelial cells and is Furchgott’s ‘endothelium-
derived relaxing factor’. This endogenous NO is responsible
for the resting vasodilator tone present in human resistance
arterioles under basal conditions. Nitrovasodilator drugs pro-
vide NO in an endothelium-independent manner, and are
therefore effective even if endothelial function is severely
impaired, as in many patients with coronary artery disease.
Haemodynamic and related effects
GTNis relatively selective for venous rather than arteriolar
smooth muscle. Venodilatation reduces cardiac preload.
Reduced venous return reduces ventricular filling and hence
reduces ventricular diameter. Ventricular wall tension is
directly proportional to chamber diameter (the Laplace rela-
tionship), so ventricular wall tension is reduced by GTN. This
reduces cardiac work and oxygen demand. Coronary blood
flow (which occurs during diastole) improves due to the
decreased left ventricular end-diastolic pressure. Spasm is
opposed by NO-mediated coronary artery relaxation.
Reduced arterial tone reduces diastolic blood pressure and
arterial wave reflection hence reducing cardiac afterload and
myocardial oxygen demand. Nitrates relax some non-vascular
smooth muscles and therefore sometimes relieve the pain of
oesophageal spasm and biliary or renal colic, causing poten-
tial diagnostic confusion.
Adverse effects
Organic nitrates are generally very safe, although they can
cause hypotension in patients with diminished cardiac
reserve. Headache is common and GTNpatches have not
fared well when evaluated by ‘quality of life’ questionnaires
for this reason. Tolerance is another problem. This can be min-
imized by omitting the evening dose of isosorbide mono-
nitrate (or by removing a patch at night).
For more information, see also Chapters 28, 31 and 32.
Use in ischaemic heart disease
The main uses of beta-blockers in patients with ischaemic
heart disease are:
- prophylaxis of angina;
- reduction of the risk of sudden death or reinfarction
following myocardial infarction (‘secondary prevention’); - treatment of heart failure (Chapter 31).
Use in ischaemic heart disease
As well as their well established uses in hypertension (see
Chapter 28) and in heart failure, including chronic heart fail-
ure caused by ischaemic heart disease (see Chapter 31), there
is also substantial evidence to support the use of ACEI and
angiotensin antagonists in the early stages of myocardial
infarction (see above). The evidence suggests that any benefit
is very small (or non-existent) in patients with completely nor-
mal ventricular function, but that with increasing ventricular
dysfunction there is increasing benefit. Treatment should be
started with small doses with dose titration up to doses that
have been demonstrated to improve survival.
Use in ischaemic heart disease
Apart from their use in hypertension (Chapter 28) and in the
treatment of cardiac dysrhythmias (see Chapter 32), the main
use of calcium-channel antagonists in patients with ischaemic
heart disease is for the prophylaxis of angina. They are partic-
ularly useful in patients in whom beta-blockers are con-
traindicated. Disappointingly, despite having quite different
pharmacological actions to beta-blockers, these classes of
drugs do not appear to act synergistically in angina and
should not be routinely co-administered as prophylaxis to
such patients. They may be particularly useful in the rare
patients in whom spasm is particularly prominent (spasm can
be worsened by β-blockers). Short-acting dihydropyridines
should be avoided because they cause reflex tachycardia.
Diltiazemor a long-acting dihydropyridine (e.g. amlodipine
or a controlled-release preparation of nifedipine) are often
used in this setting. Unlike β-adrenoceptorantagonists and
ACEI, Ca^2 antagonists have not been found to prolong sur-
vival when administered early in the course of myocardial
The use of aspirinas a mild analgesic is described in Chapter 25,
and the antiplatelet uses of aspirinandclopidogrelare dis-
cussed in Chapter 30. There is no evidence that the efficacy of
aspirinvaries with dose over the range 75–320 mg/day dur-
ing chronic use, but there is evidence that the adverse effect of
peptic ulceration and major upper gastro-intestinal haemor-
rhage is dose related over this range. Accordingly, the lower
dose should be used routinely for chronic prophylaxis. At the
onset of ACS it is appropriate to use a higher dose (e.g.
300 mg) to obtain rapid and complete inhibition of platelet
cyclo-oxygenase (COX). There has been considerable interest
in the possibility that very low doses of aspirin(40 mg/day or
less) may provide the highest degree of selectivity for inhibi-
tion of platelet TXA 2 biosynthesis as opposed to endothelial
prostacyclin (PGI 2 ) biosynthesis in blood vessels, thereby