(see Chapter 17) and ‘lifestyle’ drugs taken for social reasons.
The greater the number of drugs taken, the more likely things
are to go wrong (Figure 13.1).
Drug interactions can be useful, of no consequence, or
Drugs can be used in combination to enhance their effective-
ness. Disease is often caused by complex processes, and drugs
that influence different components of the disease mechanism
may have additive effects (e.g. an antiplatelet drug with a fibri-
nolytic in treating myocardial infarction, Chapter 29). Other
examples include the use of a β 2 agonist with a glucocorticoid in
the treatment of asthma (to cause bronchodilation and suppress
inflammation, respectively; Chapter 33).
Combinations of antimicrobial drugs are used to prevent
the selection of drug-resistant organisms. Tuberculosis is the
best example of a disease whose successful treatment requires
this approach (Chapter 44). Drug resistance via synthesis of a
microbial enzyme that degrades antibiotic (e.g. penicillinase-
producing staphylococci) can be countered by using a combi-
nation of the antibiotic with an inhibitor of the enzyme:
co-amoxiclavis a combination of clavulanic acid, an inhibitor
of penicillinase, with amoxicillin.
Increased efficacy can result from pharmacokinetic
interaction.Imipenem(Chapter 43) is partly inactivated by a
dipeptidase in the kidney. This is overcome by administering
imipenem in combination with cilastin, a specific renal
dipeptidase inhibitor. Another example is the use of the com-
bination of ritonavirandsaquinavirin antiretroviral therapy
(Chapter 46). Saquinavirincreases the systemic bioavailabil-
ity of ritonavir by inhibiting its degradation by gastro-
intestinal CYP3A and inhibits its faecal elimination by block-
ing the P-glycoprotein that pumps it back into the intestinal
Some combinations of drugs have a more than
additive effect (‘synergy’). Several antibacterial combinations
are synergistic, including sulfamethoxazolewithtrimetho-
prim(co-trimoxazole), used in the treatment of Pneumocystis
carinii(Chapter 46). Several drugs used in cancer chemother-
apy are also synergistic, e.g. cisplatin plus paclitaxel
(Chapter 48).
Therapeutic effects of drugs are often limited by the acti-
vation of a physiological control loop, particularly in the case of
cardiovascular drugs. The use of a low dose of a second drug
that interrupts this negative feedback may therefore enhance
effectiveness substantially. Examples include the combination
of an angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (to block the
renin-angiotensin system) with a diuretic (the effect of which
is limited by activation of the renin-angiotensin system) in
treating hypertension (Chapter 28).
There are many situations (e.g. hypertension) where low
doses of two drugs may be better tolerated, as well as more
effective, than larger doses of a single agent. Sometimes drugs
with similar therapeutic effects have opposing undesirable
metabolic effects, which can to some extent cancel out when
the drugs are used together. The combination of a loop
diuretic (e.g. furosemide) with a potassium-sparing diuretic
(e.g.spironolactone) provides an example.
Predictable adverse effects can sometimes be averted by
the use of drug combinations. Isoniazidneuropathy is caused
by pyridoxine deficiency, and is prevented by the prophylac-
tic use of this vitamin. The combination of a peripheral dopa
decarboxylase inhibitor (e.g. carbidopa) with levodopa
permits an equivalent therapeutic effect to be achieved with a
lower dose of levodopa than is needed when it is used as a sin-
gle agent, while reducing dose-related peripheral side effects
of nausea and vomiting (Chapter 21).
Drugs can be used to block an undesired or toxic effect, as for
example when an anaesthetist uses a cholinesterase inhibitor
to reverse neuromuscular blockade, or when antidotes such
asnaloxoneare used to treat opioid overdose (Chapter 54).
Uses of vitamin K or of fresh plasma to reverse the effect of
warfarin(Chapter 30) are other important examples.
Many interactions are based on in vitro experiments, the
results of which cannot be extrapolated uncritically to the clin-
ical situation. Many such potential interactions are of no prac-
tical consequence. This is especially true of drugs with
shallow dose–response curves and of interactions that depend
on competition for tissue binding to sites that are not directly
involved in drug action but which influence drug distribution
(e.g. to albumin in blood).
Interactions are only likely to be clinically important when
there is a steep dose–response curve and a narrow therapeutic
window between minimum effective dose and minimum
toxic dose of one or both interacting drugs (Figure 13.2). This
is often not the case. For example, penicillin, when used in
most clinical situations, is so non-toxic that the usual dose is
more than adequate for therapeutic efficacy, yet far below that
which would cause dose-related toxicity. Consequently, a second
drug that interacts with penicillinis unlikely to cause either
toxicity or loss of efficacy.