The Yale Anthology of Twentieth-Century French Poetry

(WallPaper) #1

Beckett: Collected Poems in English and French, ∫ Beckett Estate, 2002. Reprinted by
permission of Calder Publications, Ltd.

Tahar Bekri

Excerpts from ‘‘Retour en Tunisie,’’ from Chapelets d’attache, ∫ L’Harmattan, 1989–

  1. Reprinted by permission of L’Harmattan.
    Excerpts from ‘‘Return to Tunisia,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of
    Mary Ann Caws.

Yves Bonnefoy

‘‘Le Livre... ,’’ ‘‘Une voix,’’ from Pierre écrite, ∫ Mercure de France, 1965; ‘‘A la
voix... ,’’ from Hier régnant désert, ∫ Mercure de France, 1965; ‘‘La Neige,’’ ‘‘La Tâche... ,’’
from Ce qui fut sans lumière, ∫ Mercure de France, 1987. Reprinted by permission of
Mercure de France.
‘‘The Book... ,’’ trans. by Richard Pevear, from Yves Bonnefoy: Poems 1959–1975, ∫
Random House, Inc., 1985. Reprinted by permission of Random House, Inc. ‘‘A Voice,’’
trans. by Hoyt Rogers, Harvard Review, 1995. Reprinted by permission of Hoyt Rogers.
‘‘The Voice... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws.
‘‘The Snow,’’ ‘‘The Task of Hope,’’ trans. by John Naughton, from In the Shadow’s Light, ∫
University of Chicago Press, 1991. Reprinted by permission of University of Chicago Press.

André du Bouchet

‘‘Pierre ou eau,’’ from Axiomes, ∫ Mercure de France, 1986; ‘‘La Lumière... ,’’ from
L’Inhabité, ∫ Mercure de France, 1968; ‘‘Fraction,’’ from Où le soleil, ∫ Mercure de France,

  1. Reprinted by permission of Mercure de France.
    ‘‘Stone or Water,’’ trans. by Hoyt Rogers, from Poetry, 2000. Reprinted by permission of
    Hoyt Rogers. ‘‘The Light... ,’’ trans. by Paul Auster, from The Uninhabited: Selected Poems
    of André du Bouchet, ∫ Living Hand, 1976. Reprinted by permission of Paul Auster.
    ‘‘Fraction,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws.

André Breton

‘‘Le Corset mystère,’’ ‘‘Vigilance,’’ ‘‘Toujours pour... ,’’ ‘‘On me dit... ,’’ ‘‘L’Union
libre,’’ ‘‘Sur la route... ,’’ from Poèmes, ∫ Éditions Gallimard, 1948. Reprinted by permis-
sion of Éditions Gallimard.
‘‘The Mystery Corset,’’ ‘‘Vigilance,’’ ‘‘Always for... ,’’ ‘‘They Tell Me... ,’’ ‘‘On the
Road... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary Ann Caws. ‘‘Free
Union,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry, from Surrealist Love Poems, ∫ Tate
Publishing, 2001. Reprinted by permission of Mary Ann Caws and Patricia Terry.

Martine Broda

‘‘Je lave,’’ ‘‘Je voulais... ,’’ from Grand Jour, ∫ Éditions Belin, 1994. Reprinted from
Éditions Belin.
‘‘I Wash,’’ ‘‘I Wanted... ,’’ trans. by Mary Ann Caws. Printed by permission of Mary
Ann Caws.

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