Secrets of the Best Chefs

(Kiana) #1

Gary Danko

Chef-owner, Restaurant Gary Danko
San Francisco, California

Though many of us can talk about cookbook authors who’ve
influenced our cooking, few of us can say that we tracked down
those cookbook authors and insisted that they become our
mentors. But such was the case with chef Gary Danko and his
hero, French cooking teacher Madeleine Kamman.
“At the CIA, I came across Madeleine’s book The Making of a
Cook,” he tells me from the kitchen island in his San Francisco
apartment. “Her book sang to me. What she was writing about, I
had the same ideas about. It was a whole new style of cooking.”
When Kamman came to the States to teach a class in New
Hampshire, Danko immediately called her to enroll. He imitates
her thick French accent: “Oh, I’m sorry, Gary; we are full, full,
When Danko persisted, Kamman moaned, “Gary, will you
please give me the dignity!”
When he asked if it was because he was a man (Kamman was a
noted feminist), she snapped, “You are full of shit!”
Eventually, though, not only did he win a seat in her class, he
also became her assistant and traveled with her to France. Her
lessons still inform his cooking to this day. “Madeleine was
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