A Guidebook to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry

(Barry) #1
Bonding in Carbon Compounds

Conformations are denned as different arrangements of the same
group of atoms that can be converted into one another without the
breaking any bonds.

% Eclipsed Staggered

The staggered conformation is likely to be the more stable of
the two for the hydrogen atoms are as far apart as they can get and
any interaction is thus at a minimum, whereas in the eclipsed con­
formation they are suffering the maximum of crowding. The long
cherished principle of free rotation about a carbon-carbon single
ttBfici is not contravened, howeve'r, as it has been shown that the
eclipsed and staggered conformations differ by only « 3 kcal/mole in
energy content and this is'srffell enough to allow their ready inter-
conversion through the agency of ordinary thermal motions at room
temperature. That such crowding can lead to a real restriction of
rotation about a carbon-carbon single bond has been confirmeTP by
the isolation of two forrik of CHBra-CHBrj, though admittedly only
a^low temperatures wnere collisions between molecules do not
provide enough energy to effect the interconversion.

(ii) Carbon-carbon double bonds
In ethylene each carbon atom is bonded to only three other atoms, two
hydrogens and one carbon. Strong a bonds are formed with these
three atoms by the use of three hybrid orbitals derived by hybridising
the Is and, this time, two only of the carbon atom's 2p atomic orbitals—
an atom will normally only mobilise as many hybrid orbitals as it has
atoms or groups to form strong a bonds with. The resultant sp^2 hybrid
orbitals all lie in the same plane and are inclined at 120° to each other
(plane trigonal orbitals). In forming the molecule of ethylene, two of the
sp^2 orbitals of each carbon atom are seen as overlapping with the Is
orbitals of two hydrogen atoms to form two strong a C—H bonds,
while the third sp^2 orbital of each carbon atom is used to form a strong
a C—C bond between them.
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