Code Explanation
<button onClick="throwdice();">Throw
dice </button>
Button element (note attribute onClick setting
to invoke throwdice)
</body> Close body tag
</html> Close html tag
The c omplete game of craps
The third application is the complete game of craps. Again, much can be carried over from the previous
application. However, now we need to add in the rules of the game. Among other things, this will mean
using the conditional statements if and switch, as well as global variables, that is variables defined
outside of any function definition, to keep track of whether or not it is a first turn (firstturn) and what is
the player's point (point). The function table is identical to the one given for the second application (Table
2-3), so I won't repeat it. Table 2-5 holds the code for this application. The new action is all in the
throwdice function. I will comment the new lines.
Table 2-5. The Complete Craps Application
Code Explanation
<title>Craps game</title>
var cwidth = 400;
var cheight = 300;
var dicex = 50;
var dicey = 50;
var dicewidth = 100;
var diceheight = 100;
var dotrad = 6;