Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1
Les Brown


I think what p eople must do is challenge themselves to overcome
the inner conversation that has been placed in them through their
conditioning, through their environment, and their circumstances. We
live in a world where we’re told more about our limitations rather than
our potential. We n eed to overcome and defeat that c onversation.
If you ask most people if they have ever been told they can’t achieve
a goal they envision for their life will say, “Yes.” My whole go al is
to help people learn how to become unstoppable. Yes, it’s going to
be difficult—it’s going to be hard. You’re going to have obstacles
thrown in your path. You will have setbac ks and disappointments.
But you must develop the mind- set of a winner. You must come back
again and again and again. You must be creative and f lexible, versatile
and adaptable, and never stop until you reach your goals.
I read many years ago that 98 percent of all f ailure comes from
quitting. Would you agree with that?
Yes, I agree with that without any question. Most people become
discouraged and they see delay as a denial. I encourage people to go
back to the drawing board in their minds, regroup, and g et some fresh
thinking. Einstein said, “The thinking that has brought me this far has
created some problems that this thinking can’t solve.”
Sometimes we have to allow other people to be a part of the
process—to look at the situation we’re battling with new e yes that can
help us overcome the challenges we’re facing.
As I have said before, you have been a role model for thousands of
adults as well as young people. Do you have any advice to give our
readers that would help them to grow in body, mind, and spirit a nd live a
better, fuller life?

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