Mastering The Art Of Success

(Chris Devlin) #1

Mastering the Art of Success

th at it ’s possibl e. I didn’t r ealize that people were out there doing this
fu ll-time because I hadn’t met anybody who was doing it, so I really like
doing it for that reason.

The missi on statement on your Web site reads, “To empower
women through education, resources, service, and by example.” Will
you tell us how you came up with that and what it means to you and
your business?

When I started doing the speaking, one of the things that I learned
fr om the National Speakers Association was that people who are
sp eakers usually have their own authored books and materials relating
to what they’re speaking about. My topic is marketing and I show
people h ow to market their small business and in direct sales.
When I came out with a Web site,, I wanted
to target specifically women. I think women are an underserved
population. I don’t think people take women in business as seriously as
th ey do men. I still m eet people today, even though I’m one of the top
earners in a Fortune 500 company, and they’ll ask, “What do you do?”
or I’ll sit next to somebody on the plane and they'll ask, “What do you
do?,” I’ll reply, “I’m an Avon representative” and they’ll say, “Oh,
so you’re a housewife, then ?”
So I want to show o ther women that y ou can earn whatever you
want to work hard to get. It’s all up to us and we have to set a good
example. I think that’s why I want to have resources and products and
services that help people build their own businesses—especially

What do you think is the biggest obstacle you have faced to date?

This is an easy one because the biggest obstacle is, has been, and
always probably will be me. I’ve been my biggest obstacle all
al ong;
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