(^) Mastering the Art of Success
What advice do you have for readers who feel that success has
eluded them?
Everyone has had success in their lives. If someone feels that he or
she can’t naturally recall such times, chat about it with trusted family
members and friends. They’ll remind you of plenty of achievements
th at qualify as “successes.”
How can success be maintained for as long as possible?
You become who you surround yourself with. We’re all easily
influenced, and that i nfluence can be positive or negative. By hanging
around other successful people, you greatly increase the likelihood that
your success will continue, and even expand. The reverse is also true. If
you constantly have to listen to negative, destructive comments, it will
drag you down very quickly. Environment is critical, and you should
and can control it to maintain a positive backdrop to your life.
What personal qualities should people develop that will help them
be successful?
- Passion. Having genuine enthusiasm f or what you’re doing
is c ontagious, and it’s self-motivating. - Self-discipline. There are plenty of opportunities and
distractions. If you’re not careful, you c an b e driven off
course away from your goals by trivial or meaningless
activities. - Teachable. Have a willingness to learn. We can never know
it all. Be like a sponge, c onsuming u seful information as
often as possible.